Sunday, February 13, 2011

The NBA's hypothetical tweets list

Charlie Villanueva let his followers know how he felt. 

LeBron James, Shaq, Chris Bosh, and Charlie Villanueva all use Twitter. Magic Johnson recently made an account. Social media has taken over locker rooms in the NBA, the NFL, college hoops and other sports venues.
Some athletes use Twitter as a way to connect with their fans while others use it to trash talk their colleagues.
Villanueva called out Kevin Garnett on Twitter, saying KG called him a “cancer patient.” 
Does Twitter bring trash talking to another level? What if Twitter was around in the 80’s and 90’s? For about two weeks I pondered this. Would Shaq air-out his beef with Kobe? Would Michael Jordan, who is a well-known trash talker, be too tempted to smack tweet before and after games? This idea turned into a list of 30 players and situations from different eras. But to keep it brief, I left it at 10 with Twitter names. Here’s the NBA’s hypothetical tweet list in a 140 characters or less.
#10 Who can forget Spike Lee and Reggie Miller’s rivalry? What if Lee took his Cheryl Miller chant from Madison Square Garden to Twitter? 
Mars Blackmon Spike Lee
@MilllerTime Hey Reggie, you’ll never be better than #CherylMiller, never. Cheryl! Cheryl! Cheryl! Cheryl! Cheryl!

#9 Doug Christie had to be the most whipped NBA husband ever. Christie’s wife, Jackie is known to hoop fans as the cynical-psycho woman who attends every game that her husband is playing in.
Maybe Doug could give his wife a tweet location.
Doug Christie Doug
@JackieChristie You’ll always know where to find me and my heart. I don’t care what people say about our relationship. They’ll never understand us.

#8 Most players have a hobby. Jordan likes to gamble and play golf, Chris Paul likes bowling and Karl Malone likes driving 18-wheel trucks. Malone grew up in Summerfield, La and thought he’d have a career in truck driving before playing basketball for a living. Malone tweeting before a long-summer road trip is funny as much as it is predictable.
TheMailMan Karl Malone
Going to take a ride in my diesel fueled-18 wheeler. Now that’s a vacation.  

#7 Could you see Larry Brown leaving inspirational-life tweets using basketball as a metaphor?
CoachBrown Larry Brown
Life will be OK, if you play the right way.

#6 Allen Iverson and practice is like oil and water, they don’t mix.
TheAnswer Allen Iverson
I just broke #Jordan’sankles and we’re still talking about practice.

#5 The rivalry between Wilt Chamberlin and Bill Russell is arguably the greatest player rivalry in sports. Chamberlin is a two-time World Champion and four-time MVP and a well-known womanizer. Russell is an 11-time champion.
BillRussell#6 Bill Russell
@BillRulssell#6 I got more women in my hotel than an all-girls catholic school.
@WilttheStilt Yeah and I got more rings on my fingers than a jeweler from Jared.

#4 I can’t remember how many times Dennis Rodman gave his hair a makeover.
D-Rodman Dennis Rodman
Too all my fans, I need some help picking a color for my hair for tonight’s’ game. Let’s see, black and red, blue and red, black and white or blue and green?

#3 Shaq and Kobe Bryant were two of the biggest drama queens ever known in almost any sport. Who knows how many rings these guys would have had if they’d put their beef aside? From Bryant calling out Shaq for his adultery, to Shaq giving Bryant taste tips, here’s an idea of what these two would tweet to each other.
TherealShaq Shaq
@blackmamba Hey, Kobe tell me how my ass tastes? I’m the most dominate ever, in basketball and in scrabble.
Blackmamba Kobe Bryant
@TheRealShaq Yeah, about as dominant as your movie career.

#2 Michael Jordan may not have had much more to prove after his first retirement in October, 1993. He was a three-time champion and his father was killed, so he was probably emotionally drained. But have we ever known Jordan to be a humble man? I think not.
JumpMan23 Michael Jordan
I’m done, I’m retiring. I kicked Magic, Clyde and Barkley’s asses and kicked ass overseas. How much more ass could I kick?

#1 Jordan’s come back had to be the top hypothetical tweet.  Once Jordan figure out that he himself was the biggest competition that he could face, there wasn’t any turning back. Jordan returned to league in 1994 and won another three championships and retired in 1998. But then Jordan returned in in 2001 as a Wizard.
I didn’t come back for another ring but to get @riphamilton and @kwamebrown asses in gear. I’m 40-years old and I’m whipping these young bucks butt up and down D.C. 

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