Monday, December 27, 2010

NBA should take James' remarks seriously

James said the league is watered downed.

The Grizzlies haven’t made the playoffs since 2006, Toronto hasn't sniffed the semifinals since Vince Carter could still jump and Minnesota hasn't been a .500 team since trading Kevin Garnett.
While Lebron James has been keen on pissing the world off since “The Decision”, his comments on a contraction for the league may be the sharpest thing he's said in a while.
“Imagine if you could take Kevin Love off Minnesota and add him to another team and you shrink the (league),” said James. “I’m not saying let’s take New Jersey and let’s take Minnesota out of the league. But hey, you guys are not stupid, I’m not stupid, it would be great for the league.”
Don’t take Minnesota out of the league, come on James. While the league is better now than it was in the 80’s, it’s not like the Warriors are going to knock off the Lakers any time soon.
Bad teams stay bad due to bad owners, not necessarily bad players. For every Mark Cuban there is five Donald Sterling’s stinking up the league. Fewer teams mean less crap owners.
David Stern continues to allow incompetent owners in the league that don’t have basketball in their best interest. The league is a personal ATM for owners like Sterling. Does the league really need 30 teams? If the NBA were to lose five teams the chances of a lockout may lessen.
As narcissistic as James has portrayed himself, he can’t be the only player that feels 30 teams is too many. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Madison Square Garden is rocking,the Knicks are back, so are the Knick fans

No Isaiah Thomas, Stephon Marbury is in China and though Eddy Curry is still on the Knick's roster, fans haven't had to watch Curry drag his butt up-and-down Madison Square Garden. 

No LeBron James, no problem. There's nothing that Amare Stoudemire can't handle. The Knicks could be looking at a playoff spot, not lottery balls and might acquire Carmelo Anthony by the end of the season. Raymond Felton should get some All-Star consideration as he's been playing up-to-par with the Rajon Rondo's and the Derrick Rose's of the Eastern Conference. 

Knick fans are sure to have their favorite moments for the season. Stoudemire's nine-straight-30-point games deserves some applause. Felton's game-winner against the Bobcats in the Garden was sweet. But can any of those moments top Tracy Morgan's? 

I think not.